Parco Forte Ampola is located in the municipality of Storo in the middle of the Val d’Ampola, a lush and wild valley connecting the Val del Chiese and the Valle di Ledro, of which it is a geographical extension.
Through a project of redevelopment of the site of historical interest, has been realized a cultural path for the valorization of the Fort Ampola and the settlements that characterized area from 1700s to the present day and the natural environment that surrounds it.
The cultural route winds through the area recovering the ancient routes. It develops in continuity with nature among the ruins present that, become an integral part of the landscape, witness a stratification of historical phases.
The presence of the ruins on the area becomes part of the cultural landscape: they represent evocative fragments of a past time while signaling at the same time an absence and a presence, an intersection between visible and invisible.
The bridge rebuilt on the Citta torrent and the walkway built on the ancient bastion fit harmoniously in the particular landscape context and allow a unique view over the stream and the waterfall on Palvico, giving suggestive views in an environment that has remained almost untouched.
The park can also be visited in the evening, offering a suggestive atmosphere full of magical and mysterious effects.
The cultural contents of Parco Forte Ampola have been realized in collaboration with Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino and Muse.
Forte Ampola Park is part of the Trentino Grande Guerra Network, Reserve of the Ledrense Alps Network, Biosphere Reserve Mab Unesco Alpi Ledrensi and Judicaria and it is a cultural center of Valle del Chiese.
© 2025 - Diritti riservati Parco Storico Naturalistico Cascata Forte Ampola di Scaglia Settimo
località Ampola, 50 - 38089 Storo TN
0465 898077 -
p.iva 02671000228 - C.fisc. SCGSTM64B06I964V